So...the weekend before last, despite the impeccably beautiful weather, Matt and I didn't go climbing. We thought, instead, we'd try to do what normal people (i.e. those not obsessed with rock climbing) do on their summer weekends. As far as we could tell, that meant grilling, eating and drinking...oh, and jai li...an excellent game, which, I'm now convinced, should be part of any summer grilling extravaganza.
After a Saturday of bbq-hopping and beer drinking we were both getting a little antsy and so on Sunday, we thought we'd do some hiking on Mount Monadnock, which, according to Matt and Wikipedia, is one of the "most frequently climbed mountains in the world."
Before I go on, maybe I should clarify a few terms: Hiking, for all you climbers out there, is kindof like doing the approach, getting to the cliff and then turning around and doing the approach again in reverse until you're back at the car. Mountain, is meant here in the East-coast usage...meaning "a point higher than most other points around." At 3,165 feet, Monadnock might not qualify as a "mountain" in a place like California, but hey, no big deal...and no altitude sickness, either.
The hike was actually super-fun and we did it in a lightening storm, which made us feel a little more hard core...that is, until we got to the White Crossing (300 feet below the summit) and were informed by two rangers stading guard that the mountain was closed, due to inclement weather. I, much to Matt's embarrassment, immediately started laughing: "Seriously?! They can close the outside when it rains?" It's moments like these when I am reminded that there are things about the East Coast that will never cease to amaze...and amuse me.
Matt and I stubbornly waited at the White Crossing (by this time the rain had stopped and the sun was shining) until eventually the rangers begrudgingly informed us that it was safe to continue. After a quick sprint to the summit we headed back down, already debating the next weekend's climbing plans.
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